Monday, May 11, 2009

Three Our Town Questions

1. What does it take to "realize life?" How do you realize life? Do you think anyone, ever, really CAN realize life? What kind of events might help us to realize life?

I think that personal experiences that you can learn something from or have a deep connection with help you in realizing life. Events that happen throughout our lifetime, whether they are good or bad, make us emotional and feel alive. Having the sense of being alive and not taking that for granted helps you in realizing life. I feel that it is not impossible to really be able to feel and know your living life. It doesn't take death, or birth either to have that feeling. It could be as simple as going to a graduation or a wedding. Having an emotional sense of bonding with someone, or an event is what makes you realize life.

2. "There's something way down deep about every person" How would you define that thing that makes us uniquely human, that connects us as humans, that makes us a part of "the circle of life?"
I can honestly say I do not have an answer for this question right now and need time to think about it. Other than, I feel that we all share an emotional tie with one another. That is what makes us instinctual when it comes to telling emotion and expressions from another human being. However, we are not all the same. Some people are truly evil and some insanely good. Then there are some who really try to be good but make mistakes and learn from them. The group who is not perfect, but tries there hardest to be. I don't understand how we can be so different when it comes to that, and still but under the "circle of life" as one. Except for reproduction, then I can see a circle of life.

3."This is the way we were" What things (referring specifically to the list we made for the bulletin board items) do you think were handled the same or differently in the past as compared to now?

Marriage has a huge difference in how it was treated now compared to in the past. People destroy the sanctity of marriage now. They get married and then get annulments or get married in Vegas when there drunk. There is so much divorce that it doesn't seem like anyone gets married for love anymore. In the past, marriage might not have been perfect but it sure didn't have the divorce ratings there are now. Also marriage was a huge deal back then. It was not taken for granted like it is today.
Tradition has changed in these past years as well. Families did a lot more together as a unit back then. They either had tradition to go to church every Sunday, or maybe ate as a family every night or every holiday. Maybe they had a game night every Saturday night. That doesn't happen as often know.
Sports is very different now too. It seems like there is more pressure than ever on athletes now. Maybe there is so much pressure to be the best that that is what makes famous athletes to take drugs. Or high school athletes to take performance enhancers. I feel pressure during sports all the time. I can't even imagine a college team that wins a lot and the pressure they feel to be the best and not let their coaches down, or their teammates. I don't know much about sports in the past but they are getting worse and worse. Before we know it all the baseball players will be on steroids.